Here is a cute way to celebrate.
Looking for gifts for musical theatre lovers? Here is something that will make every musical lover laugh.
It's not easy to be a musical theatre fan. You have to break your bank to see a musical from a decent seat, or you have to settle for sitting a mile away and squinting to catch your favourite actors in action.
Or you have to enter the musical theatre lottery every day and hope to win, but never win, and wonder if you just need to give up and move on. Then you might give up and move on, but after a few days you can’t help but wonder if you can win if you kept trying persistently, and you’re back. The words ‘gambling’ and ‘addiction’ come to mind, but thankfully, unlike real lotteries, theatre ticket lotteries are usually free to enter, so maybe the word ‘addiction’ suffices.
For that friend of yours who loves musicals, the bee guarantees that they have entered the Cabaret or Hamilton or Andrew Llyod Webber’s Cinderella or Moulin Rouge ticket lotteries dozens of times and never won. But they hold their heads up high and try again. And again. And again.
Wouldn't it be great if the musical theatre gift shop had a mug that said "I lost the musical theater lottery again" or a t-shirt that says "I never win the musical theater lottery"?
You're in luck! Check out the Theatre Bee Store's exclusive, lovingly created designs that add some cheer to your lottery losing streak! How about a cute sofa pillow or a thermal mug or coasters (for those who need their gifts to be useful and practical) that says 'I lost the Cabaret lottery 289 times and counting' or 'I lost the Hamilton lottery 274 times and counting'? Browse a wide range of men and women's apparel, accessories, kitchenware, and more at the Theatre Bee Store!